Silver Bullet by Colette Rhodes PDF Download

Silver Bullet by Colette Rhodes PDF Book read online or download for free. “Silver Bullet by Colette Rhodes ” is an impressive book that is now available in various format including Kindle, ePub, and PDF. If you need this book in any specific format, you can request us.

Silver Bullet Book Summary

“Silver Bullet by Colette Rhodes ” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read. Every night of her life, I’ve visited my Amazing Grace in her dreams. Every morning, she wakes up with zero recollection of it.Does it hurt? Well, a little, honestly. But that doesn’t matter because the time has come for us to meet in real life. This is our moment. I’m ready to show her all the reasons why I’m her best soul bond—sorry not sorry, Riot.But it seems the Goddess of Night doesn’t love me and my girl as much as I thought she did because just when everything was starting to work out, things get complicated. The paths that were open to Grace continue to close, and the agathos aren’t backing down.I have a job to do, and I’m not leaving until I’ve done it. If the gods want to take me from Grace, they’ll have to come and claim me themselves.Silver Bullet by Colette Rhodes PDF Download

Brief Summary Silver Bullet by Colette Rhodes

Bullet was a great addition to Graces bonds, but his secretiveness did drive me crazy at times. I loved that he was so obsessed and in love with Grace. I enjoyed getting a mix of the current bonds POVs as well as getting to know the other two bonds a little through their own chapters.The steam does pick up in this book and bonds are solidified. There are some slow moments in the book but I consider this normal for books with world building. Sometimes we need information rather than action or steam.MM between Bullet and another soul bond is introduced in this book. Nothing happens on page and instead a minor mm moment is mentioned from before the book 1 started. Honestly, I did not love this addition for 2 reasons. 1. Bullet is so obsessed and in love with Grace and knew that they were soul bonds since they were kids so the mm moment bothered me. 2. I’m of the opinion that if the guys only have a bond with the FMC then that’s the only person they should be with. If the guys themselves have a soul bond too then that changes things but it doesn’t make sense to me for them to have sexual encounters, even minor ones, with others who they don’t have a bond with (especially if they know they’re going to have a soul bond). I believe Colette said it’s only going to be light mm ?? and both guys seem obsessed with Grace first and foremost so I guess we will see where Colette takes it.

Details About Silver Bullet by Colette Rhodes

  • Name: Silver Bullet
  • Author:Colette Rhodes
  • Language: English
  • Genre:Paranormal Angel Romance
  • Format: PDF/ePub
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Price: Free

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is the author of “Silver Bullet”?

A: “Silver Bullet” is written by Colette Rhodes.

Q: Where can I purchase or read “Silver Bullet”?

A: As there is no known book titled “Silver Bullet” by Colette Rhodes, it may not be available for purchase or reading

Q: Is “Silver Bullet” part of a series?

A: Since there is no specific information available regarding “Silver Bullet” by Colette Rhodes,

Q: Are there other notable works by Colette Rhodes?

A: As of my knowledge cutoff, there are no known notable works by Colette Rhodes.

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