Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent PDF Download

Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent PDF Book read online or download for free. “Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent ” is an impressive book that is now available in various format including Kindle, ePub, and PDF. If you need this book in any specific format, you can request us.

Strange Sally Diamond Book Summary

“Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent ” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read.The internationally bestselling author of Lying in Wait returns with a wickedly dark, twisted, and brilliantly observed new novel about an enigmatic woman confronting her unknown past.Reclusive Sally Diamond causes outrage by trying to incinerate her dead father. Now she’s the center of attention, not only from the hungry media and police detectives, but also a sinister voice from a past she does not remember. As she begins to discover the horrors of her early childhood, Sally steps into the world for the first time, making new friends, big decisions, and learning that people don’t always mean what they say.But who is the man observing Sally from the other side of the world, and why does he call her Mary? And why does her new neighbor seem to be obsessed with her? Sally’s trust issues are about to be severely challenged in this “inventive, addictive, and bold” (Publishers Weekly, starred review) thriller.Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent PDF Download

Brief Summary Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent

I like stories about strange people. Heck, I’m strange people, and everyone I know is strange. Sally Diamond, fits right in. Her social and emotional development was profoundly disrupted by childhood trauma, she’s hyper-smart and a gifted musician, and she sees the world through eyes both clearer and more clouded than most. She’s been hidden away from the world, but she’s coming into her own.If that was all there was to it, the basic Heidi story, misanthrope meets mankind and finds it not that bad, I’d have been happy. But it’s not, which makes the book disturbing, which makes it more layered, and much more real.Sally (not her birth name, btw) has a horrific backstory, that goes back before her birth, which we get to explore along with her as she discovers what had been kept from her until the death of her adopted father, a psychiatrist who always joked that when he died she should just take him out with the trash.Which is not the thing to joke about with a profoundly autistic/emotionally disconnected/very odd person, and he totally should have known better. So maybe he wouldn’t have wound up in the barn incinerator which causes no end of trouble, and begins Sally(again, not her birth name)’s journey of discovery and development.

Details About Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent

  • Name: Strange Sally Diamond
  • Author: Liz Nugent
  • Language: English
  • Genre:Kidnapping Thrillers
  • Format: PDF/ePub
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Price: Free


Q: Who is the author of Strange Sally Diamond?

A: Strange Sally Diamond is written by Liz Nugent.

Q: What genre does Strange Sally Diamond belong to?

A: Strange Sally Diamond is a mystery and psychological thriller novel.

Q: Is Strange Sally Diamond a standalone novel or part of a series?

A: As of now, Strange Sally Diamond is a standalone novel.

Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent PDF/ePub Download

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