Truth of the Divine by Lindsay Ellis PDF Download

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Truth of the Divine Book Summary

“Truth of the Divine by Lindsay Ellis” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read.The human race is at a crossroads; we know that we are not alone, but details about the alien presence on Earth are still being withheld from the public. As the political climate grows more unstable, the world is forced to consider the ramifications of granting human rights to nonhuman persons. How do you define “person” in the first place?Cora Sabino not only serves as the full-time communication intermediary between the alien entity Ampersand and his government chaperones but also shares a mysterious bond with him that is both painful and intimate in ways neither of them could have anticipated. Despite this, Ampersand is still keen on keeping secrets, even from Cora, which backfires on them both when investigative journalist Kaveh Mazandarani, a close colleague of Cora’s unscrupulous estranged father, witnesses far more of Ampersand’s machinations than anyone was meant to see.Since Cora has no choice but to trust Kaveh, the two must work together to prove to a fearful world that intelligent, conscious beings should be considered persons, no matter how horrifying, powerful, or malicious they may seem. Making this case is hard enough when the public doesn’t know what it’s dealing with—and it will only become harder when a mysterious flash illuminates the sky, marking the arrival of an agent of chaos that will light an already-unstable world on fire.Truth of the Divine by Lindsay Ellis PDF Download

Brief Summary Truth of the Divine by Lindsay Ellis

How often do main characters in books have mental health issues, really? How often do people undergo traumatic experiences in books, like being basically gored to death, and come out of it completely unscathed, without PTSD, panic attacks or anything? Honestly, I couldn’t remember ever reading a book in my life that even attempted to consciously acknowledge or grapple with the issues resulting from the decisions that many authors make, which is why I think this book deserves some praise for doing so. The main character, Cora, along with Ampersand, are both struggling and trying to come to grips with the incredibly difficult events of the first book. Cora struggles with persistent nightmares, panic attacks, and general other symptoms of PTSD, and while we never get to directly peer into Ampersand’s mind it’s heavily shown that he’s suffering too.

Details About Truth of the Divine by Lindsay Ellis

  • Name: Truth of the Divine
  • Author: Lindsay Ellis
  • Language: English
  • Genre: First Contact Science Fiction
  • Format: PDF/ePub
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Price: Free

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