Moonlight’s Ambassador by T.A. White PDF Download

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Moonlight’s Ambassador Book Summary

“Moonlight’s Ambassador by T.A. White ” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read. Aileen has always been certain of a few undeniable facts—black raspberry is the only ice cream flavor that matters, vampires can’t be trusted, and her loyalty, once given, is unquestionable. When a late-night visitor shows up needing her help, she agrees without hesitation.It’s not long before a pounding at her door reminds her that nothing is ever as straightforward as it seems. Now, with her friend missing, Aileen realizes her simple favor leads to consequences she cannot avoid as she finds herself drawn further into a world she’s done everything to escape.As loyalties are tested, Aileen will need to decide how far she will go in the name of friendship. Because bodies are dropping and the trail leads right back to one she holds dear. Will she stand fast in her beliefs or will she be forced to betray another?One thing is clear—her choice may lead to her salvation or her doom.Moonlight’s Ambassador by T.A. White PDF Download

Brief Summary Moonlight’s Ambassador by T.A. White

The story keeps you on the edge of your seat, but my frustrations from the first 2 books remain. You can begin to see more signs that Liam cares about Aileen, but he continues to underestimate and dismiss her. Given the number of times she’s solved cases, seen things nobody else realized, and saved other people, it really grates on me that Liam and Thomas (and others) still don’t believe her and treat her like a child. I know she acts immature sometimes, but how else is she supposed to express her displeasure when her free will has been taken from her and she can’t win physically? It’s literally her only way of standing up for herself and not following like a lamb. But even with that behavior, Liam & Co. should recognize her winning record when it comes to solving cases and stop locking her up while they solve the mystery. There’s a pattern of them keeping her in the dark and then treating her with condescension and disbelief when she identifies the culprit. You would think with how old and “smart” they are, they’d start listening to her and valuing her opinion. Somebody needs to point out to them that they would rebel, too, if someone treated them that way.

Details About Moonlight’s Ambassador by T.A. White

  • Name: Moonlight’s Ambassador
  • Author:T.A. White
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Vampire Thrillers
  • Format: PDF/ePub
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Price: Free


Q: Who is the author of Moonlight’s Ambassador?

A: Moonlight’s Ambassador is written by T.A. White.

Q: What genre does Moonlight’s Ambassador belong to?

A: Moonlight’s Ambassador falls into the genre of fantasy romance or paranormal romance.

Q: Is Moonlight’s Ambassador part of a book series?

A: Yes, Moonlight’s Ambassador is part of T.A. White’s enchanting “The Chronicles of Midnight” series.

Moonlight’s Ambassador by T.A. White PDF/ePub Download

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