Ghost Girl, Banana by Wiz Wharton PDF Download

Ghost Girl, Banana by Wiz Wharton PDF Book read online or download for free. “Ghost Girl, Banana by Wiz Wharton ” is an impressive book that is now available in various format including Kindle, ePub, and PDF. If you need this book in any specific format, you can request us.

Ghost Girl, Banana Book Summary

“Ghost Girl, Banana by Wiz Wharton ” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read. Hong Kong, 1966. Sook-Yin is exiled from Kowloon to London with orders to restore honor to her family. But as she trains to become a nurse in cold and wet England, Sook-Yin realizes that, like so many transplants, she must carve out a destiny of her own to survive.Thirty years later in London, having lost her mother as a small child, biracial misfit Lily can only remember what Maya, her preternaturally perfect older sister, has told her about Sook-Yin. Unexpectedly named in the will of a powerful Chinese stranger, Lily embarks on a secret pilgrimage across the world to discover the lost side of her identity and claim the reward. But just as change is coming to Hong Kong, so Lily learns Maya’s secrecy about their past has deep roots, and that good fortune comes at a price.Heartfelt, wry and achingly real, Ghost Girl, Banana marks the stunning debut of a writer-to-watch.Ghost Girl, Banana by Wiz Wharton PDF Download

Brief Summary Ghost Girl, Banana by Wiz Wharton

Sook-Yin is sent to London to restore the family’s honor. This is a heavy burden, especially when she’s been told that she’s stupid and not worthy of notice. As a transplant in the 60’s, she is very alone. And she is constantly misinterpreted through her life. Sook-Yin’s marriage is not what she expected. But her spirit is strong, and she’s a fighter.Lilly has struggled her entire life to understand who she is and why she’s suffering Her sister is her only support system. She believes she has a few memories of their time in Hong Kong, but her sister assures her she was too little to remember. As she sets out on this journey to Hong Kong, she discovers secrets and lies that rock her foundation.The emotions of not belonging are intense and the writing drives it home. One of my struggles was to understand why Sook- ‘s brother was so awful. (This is part of the entire novel—delving into relationships, so we weren’t supposed to understand. When she figured it out, it was an aha moment for me too. Then I wondered what lens am I seeing people through.

Details About Ghost Girl, Banana by Wiz Wharton

  • Name: Ghost Girl, Banana
  • Author:Wiz Wharton
  • Language: English
  • Genre:Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Literary Fiction
  • Format: PDF/ePub
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Price: Free

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