Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes PDF Download

Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes  eBook read online or download for free. “Stone Blind  ” is an impressive book that is now available in various formats including Kindle, ePub, and PDF. If you need this book in any specific format, you can request us.

Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes Book Review

“Stone Blind  ” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read. The only mortal in a family of gods, Medusa is the youngest of the Gorgon sisters. Unlike her siblings, Medusa grows older, experiences change, feels weakness. Her mortal lifespan gives her an urgency that her family will never know. When the sea god Poseidon assaults Medusa in Athene’s temple, the goddess is enraged. Furious by the violation of her sacred space, Athene takes revenge—on the young woman. Punished for Poseidon’s actions, Medusa is forever transformed. Writhing snakes replace her hair and her gaze will turn any living creature to stone. Cursed with the power to destroy all she loves with one look, Medusa condemns herself to a life of solitude. Until Perseus embarks upon a fateful quest to fetch the head of a Gorgon . In Stone Blind, classicist and comedian Natalie Haynes turns our understanding of this legendary myth on its head, bringing empathy and nuance to one of the earliest stories in which a woman—injured by a powerful man—is blamed, punished, and monstered for the assault. Delving into the origins of this mythic tale, Haynes revitalizes and reconstructs Medusa’s story with her passion and fierce wit, offering a timely retelling of this classic myth that speaks to us today.Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes

Brief Summary Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes

The myths of course have the gods behave in many respects like human beings, and Natalie Haynes makes them come exceptionally alive, endowing them with lots of lively dialogue, and giving entertaining accounts of their squabbles and rivalries. These are not always related to the main stories. What is striking is that sometimes the deities cannot or dare not take their anger out at someone who has offended them, but instead take it out on someone else. At the beginning of the book there is an intimidating cast of characters: twenty-nine deities and ten mortals.

Details About Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes

  • Name: Stone Blind
  • Author:  Natalie Haynes
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Classic Literature & Fiction
  • Format: PDF
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Price: Free

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