Rett by Mina Carter PDF Download

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Rett Book Summary

“Rett by Mina Carter ” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read. Anya dedicated her life to the fight against the alien invaders who had conquered Earth. Now that fight is over. The rebellion failed, the enemy won, and she knows exactly who to blame. He was her lover, her friend, and a spy for the aliens. Worse. He’s one of them… and she’s his prisoner.His mission was to spy on the enemy, not fall for one of them.Find the rebels, infiltrate them, and send back intel that would break the rebellion. Those were his orders. But once he was inside, Rett discovered everything they thought they knew about the human rebels was wrong. The enemy was more dangerous than they expected. They were cunning, determined, and female… and one of them was his mate.Claiming her isn’t permitted. Taking her prisoner might get him killed, but Rett won’t stop until he has what he wants… her.This series contains hot, growly aliens on a mission to find their mates – and a group of women determined to free their planet… and themselves.Rett by Mina Carter PDF Download

Brief Summary Rett by Mina Carter

This is the fifth book in the The Omega Collective series. It’s a fast-paced and standalone book that will keep you engaged from start to finish. There’s action, adventure, drama, danger, suspense, twist/turns, enemies, survival, intrigue, humor, mystery/secrets, surprises, family, anger, fear, pain, friends/friendships, conflict, resolution, confusion, confidence, trust, truths, stubbornness, struggles, protection, jealousy, tension, arrogance, doubts, turmoil (emotional), annoyance, complications, lies, violence, betrayal, freedom, deception, fighting, respect, forgiveness, resilience, trials/tribulations, revelations, frustration, determination, patience, happiness, romance, passion/lust and love.This is a story a h who is the second in command of the rebellion and the H is undercover as a spy trying to retrieve information about the omegas.

Details About Rett by Mina Carter

  • Name: Rett
  • Author:Mina Carter
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Science Fiction Romance
  • Format: PDF/ePub
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Price: Free

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Rett by Mina Carter about?

A: Rett is a science fiction romance novel by Mina Carter.

Q: Is Rett part of a series?

A: Yes, Rett is part of the “Alien Species Intervention” series by Mina Carter.

Q: Does Rett contain explicit or mature content?

A: Yes, Rett contains explicit scenes and mature content.

Rett by Mina Carter PDF/ePub Download

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