Haunted by Melissa Tilley Hall PDF Download

Haunted by Melissa Tilley Hall PDF Book read online or download for free. “Haunted by Melissa Tilley Hall ” is an impressive book that is now available in various format including Kindle, ePub, and PDF. If you need this book in any specific format, you can request us.

Haunted Book Summary

“Haunted by Melissa Tilley Hall ” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read. The old plantation house had been standing for well over a century, stuck in a time capsule all its own. Its walls bear witness to the horrors and sadness that had taken place within.Richard Hammond, a wealthy plantation owner, had built the home for his growing family when tragedy struck. His wife passed away giving birth, leaving Richard to raise his only daughter in a town caught up in their own traditions that he refused to impose upon his daughter, Amara.Timothy, a boy from the wrong side of town becomes best friends with Amara and they eventually find themselves in a tragic love story.Jesse Calmers takes control of the house some years later and the horrors he committed there are still locked away in the basement of nightmares.As the years passed, the plantation house became a place of fear and dread. A place the locals avoided. It has become the ghost stories told around campfires at night, and the truth of what really happened there became a thing of the past.Desirae is an interior designer in Hollywood, California, who has become burnt out on working with the Hollywood elite. One day, unexpectedly, she is contacted by an Estate attorney in Madison, Georgia to inform her that she needs to travel across the country to a place where she has never been, to go over her grandfather’s will. A grandfather that she thought had been dead for many years. When she arrives, she is blown away. To her astonishment she has been left with a beautiful plantation home with a shady past. A home she is determined to possibly live in. She quickly finds out that everyone in the town is petrified of the house and wants nothing to do with it.Haunted by Melissa Tilley Hall PDF Download

Brief Summary Haunted by Melissa Tilley Hall

A ghost story and a romance all wrapped up in one book. A book that will scare you and melt your heart at the same time. If you like reading scary books, then read this. If you like reading historical romances, read this. If you like reading modern romances, read this. If you’re ok with romance novels not having the happily ever after endings, read this. If you want the happily ever after ending reading. If you haven’t guessed it by now, this book has it all.

Details About Haunted by Melissa Tilley Hall

  • Name: Haunted
  • Author:Melissa Tilley Hall
  • Language: English
  • Genre: American Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF/ePub
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Price: Free


Q: Who is the author of Haunted?

A: Haunted is written by Melissa Tilley Hall.

Q: What genre does Haunted belong to?

A: Haunted is a supernatural thriller, falling into the genres of horror and mystery.

Q: Is Haunted part of a book series?

A: As of now, Haunted is a standalone novel.

Haunted by Melissa Tilley Hall PDF/ePub Download

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