That Sounds Fun by Annie F. Downs ePub Download

Love People, Use Things by Joshua Fields Millburn eBook read online or download for free. “That Sounds Fun: The Joys of Being an Amateur, the Power of Falling in Love, and Why You Need a Hobby  ” is an impressive book that is now available in various format including Kindle, ePub, and PDF. If you need this book in any specific format, you can request us.

That Sounds Fun by Annie F. Downs Book Review

“That Sounds Fun: The Joys of Being an Amateur, the Power of Falling in Love, and Why You Need a Hobby” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read.We know there are certain things we must have to survive–food, shelter, and safety to name a few. But there are also aspects of life that truly allow us to be joyful and fulfilled. For popular podcaster and bestselling author Annie F. Downs, fun is close to the top of that list. Few would argue that having fun doesn’t enrich our lives, but so much gets in the way of prioritizing it. Tough days, busyness, and feelings that are hard to talk about keep us from the fun that’s out there waiting to be found. With That Sounds Fun, Annie offers an irresistible invitation to understand the meaning of fun, to embrace it and chase it, and to figure out what, exactly, sounds fun to you–then do it! Exploring some research and sharing some thoughts behind why fun matters, she shows you how to find, experience, and multiply your fun. With her signature storytelling style and whimsical vulnerability, Annie is the friend we all need to guide us back to staying true to ourselves and finding the fun we need.That Sounds Fun by Annie F. Downs ePub Download

Brief That Sounds Fun by Annie F. Downs

This book is like sitting down with a close friend and digging into the truth about fun, Eden, identity, and God. As Annie writes about fun, I reflected often on my own fun, my own search for Eden and what I am really looking for when I go looking for fun. This was a wonderful book to listen to on a walk, while driving down the road, or when I was knitting in the Adirondack chair outside at the coffee shop. It helped me take a break from the many roles I play; it was a wonderful way for me to have some fun. Now to share some of my favorite quotes to help remember how special this book is and remind me of some of the learning and reflection that took place as I listened. “Some things are just meant to be fun. Some things are meant to stay amateur level for us. Some things are meant to teach us, and grow us, and bring us joy- not income.” “To me, making strong fun memories are some of the best ways to partner with the pain you feel and to give it purpose. Fun is never meant to replace pain, or better said, fun will never replace pain, but fun can walk alongside it. You can hold them both and see what happens when they dance together.”

Details About That Sounds Fun by Annie F. Downs

  • Name: That Sounds Fun
  • Author: Annie F. Downs
  • Publish date: (February 2, 2021)
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Christian Self Help
  • Format: PDF/ePub
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Pages:240
  • Price: Free
  • ISBN: 978-0800738747

That Sounds Fun by Annie F. Downs PDF/ePub Download

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